Raising an educated and distinguished generation that is committed to the Church, well-behaved, disciplined and enjoying good health.
Teaching children proficient reading and writing, as well as developing them spiritually, health-wise, socially and culturally by servants and youth, who are trained and qualified to achieve the service vision.
Elementary children who are weak in reading and writing.
It is a service targeting elementary children, to improve their skills and develop in 4 main perspectives through a contemporary and interesting curriculum that spans over 10 months.
Teaching the children proficient reading and writing and improving their comprehension skills through modern and interesting approaches.
Solidifying the value of being attached and committed to the Church, practising the Holy Sacraments and teaching them Christian behaviour through practical, real life stories.
Teaching the children the basics of self-hygiene, general hygiene, healthy nutrition and preventive measures against diseases.
Developing the children’s skills through art activities such as, drawing, painting, playdough and engaging in group games and small projects.